10 Hatke ways to Rock Diwali with your roomies 2

10 Hatke ways to Rock Diwali with your roomies

Diwali is just around the corner and you probably feel bummed out just hearing about other people’s travel plans and family get-togethers. With Diwali falling mid-week, giving you only a day’s holiday and flight fares shooting through the roof, many of us are doomed to spend Diwali away from home. Looks like you will be spending your Diwali with your room-mates, who have been equally unfortunate when it comes to planning a trip home. But before you decide to write off this Diwali altogether, stop and consider.

You have always had a traditional Diwali and while the mithai and time spent with family is fun, the relatives probably keep intruding on your private time with family anyway. So here’s a chance to do a non-traditional Diwali, which can be equally fun and totally to your taste with people you like and are cool to hang out with. Best part about it – no anoying relatives. Check out these 10 ways to totally rock Diwali with your roomies.

1. Do a Diwali version of Secret Santa. Then go ahead and exchange gifts on Diwali day. Nothing cheers up low spirits like the anticipation of a lovely gift.


1 secret santa



2. Do a girl’s day in by arranging for home spa services. Just work on those stress knots and luxuriate in the indulgence.





3. Clean up your apartment the weekend before Diwali and plan DIY lanterns which you can make together for fun. There are amazing things you can do with old glass jars or even with crepe paper.


3diy lanterns


4. Work out a décor theme. You could go in for the traditional look just for nostalgia sake or plan something fun, like quirky frames to take pictures with. You can even ditch the lamps altogether and invest in disco lights. They are safer and they really jazz up your room.





5. Order in a good festive lunch to please yourselves or cook it together. It may be a resounding success or an utter disaster, but regardless, you’ll have fun.





6. Check out the party scene in town and find out places that have a good event going on for Diwali. It’s an opportunity to gorge on some yummy festive food without spending too much effort on it, and groove to good music. You may even run into other singles like yourself, a hot guy even.


6party scene


7. Dress up in your Diwali best for the party hopping and do the most important thing for that day before you set out to do anything else-Diwali selfies.





8. Get ready early so you can have fun with sparklers and crackers before you head out for the party.





9. Don’t linger out too late, instead come home before midnight, change into your pyjamas and head to the terrace with a keg of liquor, some candy and snacks, music and a few rugs. Diwali under the stars, anyone?





10. Here comes a really fun ending to the day. Play a drinking game. Everytime a seven star rocket explodes in the sky, everybody chugs a swig of their favourite liquor. Snuggle into the rugs all night long, watching the fireworks.


10 drinking game

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बदलते मौसम में अक्सर हो जाती है गले में खराश, गर्मियों में ये उपाय करें! क्या आप भी अपने बच्चे की स्किन पर white patches देख कर हैं परेशान,जानिए इसकी वजह! चीनी को कर दें ना, वर्ना हो सकता है बहुत बड़ा नुक्सान ! पूरी बनाने के बाद, अक्सर तेल बच जाता है,ऐसे में महंगा तेल फैंक भी नही सकते और इसका reuse कैसे करें! रक्तदान है ‘महादान’ क्या आपने करवाया, स्वस्थ रहना है तो जरुर करें, इसके अनेकों हैं फायदे! गर्मियों में मिलने वाले drumstick गुणों की खान है, इसकी पत्तियों में भी भरपूर है पोषण! क्या storage full होने के बाद मोबाइल हो रहा है हैंग, तो अपनाएं ये तरीके!