7 Most Common iPhone Myths That Are Simply Baseless 2

7 Most Common iPhone Myths That Are Simply Baseless

People just love to ridicule the iPhone. While many shun it for being too flashy, some call it a rich kid’s showoff toy. But the truth is, once you use an iPhone it’s impossible to downgrade. Here are 7 most common myths that are often associated with iPhones but aren’t actually true.

1. You Never Need To Turn Off An Iphone

Most Common iPhone Myths That Are Simply Baseless

Well, the basic logic is that anything that runs on a battery needs some time off, and the iPhone is nothing special. If you want a healthy battery life, switch off your iPhone once in a while.

2. Using Off-Brand Chargers/Wires Will Negatively Impact The Battery

Most Common iPhone Myths That Are Simply Baseless

While it’s a fact that off-brand chargers and wires are not as efficient, but they, in no manner, can damage your battery or device. Know the difference between off-brand and knock offs. Off-brand chargers work just fine.

3.  You Shouldn’t Use The Iphone While Charging

Most Common iPhone Myths That Are Simply Baseless

Go ahead, use it all you want. Sometimes, the phone might heat a bit but there are almost zero chances for it to blow up. Also, use the original charger as a precautionary measure.

4. More Apps Equals To More Battery Drainage

Most Common iPhone Myths That Are Simply Baseless

It’s not actually the number of apps on your device but the number of apps that are active on your device. Apps that refresh in the background eat up the battery the most. Try keeping a check on apps with background refresh.

5. More Megapixels Means Better Images

Most Common iPhone Myths That Are Simply Baseless

People always hold this thing against iPhones. Always. It’s not actually more megapixels but the size, material of the main camera lens, light sensors, the image processing hardware and software that together produce a great photo. And iPhones have always had the best concoction of the things mentioned above. No doubt even their 8MP cameras produce fantastic images.

6. Charging An iphone All Night Will Ruin The Battery

Most Common iPhone Myths That Are Simply Baseless

iPhones are fitted with Li-ion batteries that are smart enough to cut-off charging when they are fully charged. So all-night charging doesn’t actually damage anything.

7.  Charging Your Iphone With An Ipad’s Charger Will Ultimately Damage The Iphone

Most Common iPhone Myths That Are Simply Baseless

Well, here’s the good news, no it won’t. Matter of fact, iPad’s charger charges the iPhone faster.



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