Unrevealed Facts About Ramayana! 2

Unrevealed Facts About Ramayana!

1. Why Ram devotee Hanuman destroyed his own version of Ramayana!

After the Ram Ravan war, lord Hanuman went to Himalaya and kept himself busy in devotion of Bhagwaan Ram. During that time period he created his own version of Ramayana which was supposedly a superior version compared to that of Valmiki’s. But when Mahrishi Valmiki has visited Hanuman’s place, he asked him to show his creation to him. Result of showing new version of this epic by Hanuman drove him in disdain because Valmiki believed that Hanuman’s Ramayana was superior and that his arduously created version of the Ramayana would remain unnoticed. By realizing this insecurity Hanuman destroy his version.


2.Lord Indra’s jealousy convert Kumbhakaran’s boon into curse!

Everyone are familiar with the well known nature of Indra as explained in Purans and other Mythological books. There is story in Ramayana also where Devendra’s insecurity for his Raaj  Path add an interesting turn into Ramayana. Once brothers Ravan, Vibhishan and Kumbhakaran were asked for a boon they wanted by Brahma. Indra, on the other hand, was jealous of Kumbhakaran’s wit and valour and thought that Kumbhakaran would ask for Indra’s Indrasan . Fearing this, Indra requested Goddess Saraswati to tie Kumbhakaran’s tongue, compelling him to ask for eternal Nindrasan. Brahma granted Kumbhakaran the boon of eternal sleep.


3.Urmila’s sacrifice that made Laxman awake for entire 14 years! 

There is hidden fact about secrecy of Laxman’s awaking night for 14 years. when in forest Laxman doing his duty as protector, he thus approached the Goddess of sleep Nindra- and asked her to overlook him for next 14 years. Then Nindra commanded that someone has to sleep on your behalf to create balance, Laxman asked her to approched his wife Urmila for this. nindra went to ayodhya palace and asked Urmila if she would take up Laxman’s sleep, which she gladly did. She slept for 14 years that support laxman for killing Meghnad as he granted a boon that he could only be killed by those who defeated sleep.


4.”Pran Jaye Par Vachan Na Jaye” the principal caused Laxman’s death!

when Rmayana closing its last chapter, the Aryans follow the principal Pran jaye par vachan na jaye which was at last proved by the Laxman’s death.  There was secret meeting held between Ram and Yamraj on the basis of condition that nothing would be revealed, and if anyone intercepts Ram will kill that person. Ram asked Laxman to guard the gate and dont allowed any person for entrance. At the same time Durvasa rishi came and forced Laxman to allow him for meeting with Ram otherwise he would curse Ayodhya. According to this situation Laxman have to intercepts the meeting which made him to fullfill his brothers words. Laxman went to Saryu and gave up his life.



5.Do you know Ram’s brother are reincarnation of?

Everyone know Lord ram is reincarnation of Vishnu but very rare knows the behind story of reincarnation of his brother specially Bharat and Shatrughan. Bharat is considered to be his sudarshan-chakra and shatrughan is as his conch-shell. while Laxman is reincarnation of shesh- Naag.  Laxman was later born as Balram, the elder brother of lord krishna.


6.Do you know the story behind previous birth of Jara, who killed lord Krishna in Dwapar Yug!

It is very unknown fact from Ramayana that, Bali of Ramayana became the reason for the death of Lord Krishna from the Mahabharata! Everyone knows the story of battle between Bali and Sugreev which comes to end by the death of Bali. Ram shot Bali from behind the tree, and Bali alleged that Ram had betrayed him as he didn’t challenge Bali for a combat. To this, Ram explained that if a man ill-behaves a woman, it is the duty of a righteous man to punish him. Ram then promised Bali that in his next life, he would become the reason of Vishnu’s death and thus take revenge of this incident. Hence, Bali took a next birth as Jara who had become the reason of Krishna’s death.


7.Do you know King Dashrath had one more female child also.

It was story exist before the birth of Ram and his brother when Dashratha and his wife Kaushalya had a daughter named Shanta. Kaushalya’s elder sister Vershini and her husband Raja Rompad (who was a great friend of Raja Dashratha as they studied in same Ashram) had no offspring. Once, when Vershini was in Ayodhya, she joked around asking for a child, to which Dashratha promised her she can adopt his daughter, Shanta. As the promise of ‘Raghukul’ had to be kept, Shanta was adopted by Raja Rompad, the king of Angdesh.
Later shanta knot her tie with Rishi Rishyasringa, Rishyasringa who play major role in birth of Ram and his four brothers by performing Yagna after which the God of Fire gave a dessert to Dashratha for his wives to consume, eating which: Ram and his brothers were born.


8.How Ram’s devotion save Hanuman’s life from Ram!

It is a untold and shocking fact of Ramyana ! Narada who known for creating disputes and disharmony which was also faced by a Lord and his beloved Devotee. He asked Hanuman  to greet all sages except Vishwamitra, since he was a King once. Hanuman did so but that did not affect Vishwamitra. Narada went on and instigated Vishwamitra, which boomed up his anger so much that he went to Ram and asked him to punish Hanuman to death.  Being Ram’s guru, Ram could not ignore his command and punished Hanuman to death by arrows. Next day in the field, the statement was to be executed, but all arrows failed to do any harm to Hanuman as he kept chanting Ram!



9.Why we called lord Hanuman as “Bajrangbali”

once upon a time when Sita was applying vermilion (kumkum) to her forehead, curious Hanuman asked her the reason for this. Sita explained that it was a ritual that would result into a longer and a healthier life for Ram. Enthusiast Hanuman, as big a devotee of Lord Ram he was, went on and covered his entire body with kumkum and hence turned completely orange! Bajrang means orange and hence came the name: Bajrangbali!


10.How a squirrel blessed by Lord Ram!

while maintaining a bridge between Lanka and India a squirrel was helping the monkeys headed by Nal and Neel. Seeing a squirrel carry beach sand for the Setu (the bridge from the tip of India to Sri Lanka), some monkeys started laughing! Upset squirrel went and sat near Ram. Acknowledging the tiny creature’s dedication, Ram cuddled its back and hence ever since, squirrels carry white stripes as the finger signs of Ram.




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बदलते मौसम में अक्सर हो जाती है गले में खराश, गर्मियों में ये उपाय करें! क्या आप भी अपने बच्चे की स्किन पर white patches देख कर हैं परेशान,जानिए इसकी वजह! चीनी को कर दें ना, वर्ना हो सकता है बहुत बड़ा नुक्सान ! पूरी बनाने के बाद, अक्सर तेल बच जाता है,ऐसे में महंगा तेल फैंक भी नही सकते और इसका reuse कैसे करें! रक्तदान है ‘महादान’ क्या आपने करवाया, स्वस्थ रहना है तो जरुर करें, इसके अनेकों हैं फायदे! गर्मियों में मिलने वाले drumstick गुणों की खान है, इसकी पत्तियों में भी भरपूर है पोषण! क्या storage full होने के बाद मोबाइल हो रहा है हैंग, तो अपनाएं ये तरीके!