This Indian 9-Year-Old Is A CEO And A Cyber Expert. Whoa! 2

This Indian 9-Year-Old Is A CEO And A Cyber Expert. Whoa!

On Thursday, the smiling nine-year-old from Austin, Texas was back in action at Ground Zero Summit 2015, a meeting of cybersecurity experts and researchers that’s one of the biggest hacker conferences in the world. Last year, he had delivered his keynote on November 14, Children’s Day, but this time he’s here as a ‘special ambassador’ for teaching cybersecurity to children and has a special address lined up.


The four-day summit that has brought together an army of experts started at The Ashok Hotel with an address by the chief guest, Home Minister Rajnath Singh. Drawing attention to the new threat of radicalisation through social media, Singh said cybersecurity experts should try to stop it. He described the Worldwide Web as the “fifth dimension of security” and pointed out that busting cybercrime is difficult as it involves locations across the world, different languages, cultures and legal frameworks.

Paul, who is the youngest attendee, told TOI he cut his teeth in the field with ‘credential harvesting’, a technical term for stealing passwords. “With great hacking skills you get power, and with great power comes great responsibility,” he said, quoting his hero, Spider-Man. While Paul wants to become a “good cyberspy”, the venue was teeming with experts who have already earned their stripes.

One of the hackers said on condition of anonymity that he had started out by hacking his college’s system to know his grades in graduation. Another, Harsh Shah, hacked his college’s Wi-Fi and IT systems to block access to social media. Inderjeet, an ethical hacker, said he had found a security flaw in the online passbook printing tool of a bank.

Jiten Jain, CEO of Indian Infosec Consortium, which organizes the summit, said their objective is to have all the hackers and cyber experts under one umbrella for research on the country’s cybersecurity. Last year, they had found malware and viruses in many defence news sites.


Source-Times of

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