5 Scarves That Will Instantly Make You Look Way More Stylish 2

5 Scarves That Will Instantly Make You Look Way More Stylish

It’s that time of the year when the chill in the air gets to you and a layer of cloth is mandatory to make you feel cosy. This season, all you need is a snazzy scarf to make you look cool while feeling warm in the fall. We’ve got you covered, literally so!

1. Monochrome Magic

Scarves That Will Instantly Make You Look Way More Stylish

That’s what this scarf in electric blue from Wrap Studio does for you. It can be the single transformational clothing item that can take your entire outfit to an all new level of fashionable. While this would look best on a well-fitted monotone suit, you can also team it up with a pair of jeans for a casual night out.


2. Chunks of Checks

Scarves That Will Instantly Make You Look Way More Stylish

A combination of red and green doesn’t just look good on your Christmas tree and this scarf by Marks & Spencer only proves our theory! Red and green checks with a hint of yellow makes this a striking add-on to your outfit. Team it with an all-black sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, or a suit of the same colour.


3. Divine Cashmere

Scarves That Will Instantly Make You Look Way More Stylish

Fashion designer Monisha Jaising’s luxe monogrammed scarf in cashmere makes for a great steal and a wardrobe must-have for every guy this season. Still think the mauve is a tad too girly for you? Try it with a navy blue cardigan and a pair of trousers. Or just wear it like our favourite Sherlock Holmes, a.k.a Benedict Cumberbatch does. We bet the girls won’t be associating the colour with girly anymore!


4. In-Boxed

Scarves That Will Instantly Make You Look Way More Stylish

From Shingora’s collection of luxe scarves, we picked out this box print piece for its combination of neutrals and how it would play on almost any item of clothing you lay your hands on. Pair it with a slick formal suit, or a casual pullover and jeans and it still looks just as cool. Don’t believe us? Go ahead and try it on!


5. Knit Wit

Scarves That Will Instantly Make You Look Way More Stylish

We totally dig this long-knitted woollen scarf from designer duo Hemant Lecoanet’s latest collection from their label Genes. For one, the dull orange shade is a colour not just synonymous with autumn but happens to be a colour that’s trending this season. If you’re planning on donning your old blue denim jacket and jeans, just throw this around your neck and walk like you own the streets!



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