9 healthy vegan snacks to curb those hunger pangs 2

9 healthy vegan snacks to curb those hunger pangs

If you are one of those hardcore health freaks who’ve taken up the vegan way of life, you know for sure it’s a difficult life out there. But worry not, we feel you. And because going vegan doesn’t mean you won’t get hungry, we’ve got you some lip-smacking snacks that are totally healthy. These vegan recipes might be a little tough to make but the effort is totally worth it. Take a look.

1. Crispy Roasted Chickpeas:


For a crispy treat make these roasted chickpeas that can be spiced up as per your taste.


2. Homemade Wheat Thins:


These wheat thins make for great party snacks, which you can serve with a dip on the side, and win praises for the effort.

3. Spinach Sesame Crackers:


The combination of spinach and sesame is simply delicious. Add to it the goodness of spinach and it’s a win-win situation.

4. Olive Hummus: 


Add some olives to your hummus for a rich and creamy delight that will satiate all those hunger pangs. Check the recipe out here.

5. Pumpkin and Peanut Energy Balls:


  You can make these energy balls in bulk and keep them handy for those hungry evenings. They make for the perfect hunger satiating vegan snack.

6. Vegan Cheese Bites:



Don’t get fooled by the name of the dish, these are totally vegan bites that won’t let you be deprived of the good taste.

7. Superfood Bar:




With a rich mix of superfoods this dish is one hell of a healthy snack that you’ve got to try.

8. Beet hummus:



This pink dish might make you suspicious but one bite and you’ll know it’s for the best. Try this beet hummus for a colourful vegan treat.

9. No-Bake Blueberry Muffin Energy Balls:


These blueberry energy balls are easy to make. Perfect snacks for the vegan soul.



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