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Our world thrives on symbiotic relationships. We all need to learn how to give and receive something from every human being on this planet. This is the basic necessity of our lives. The same applies to relationships as well. It involves a lot of give and take.

Effects Of Domestic Violence

However, why are certain relationships so hard to understand? Why do they scare us so much? At least, some people prefer to stay away from relationships for certain reasons. Maybe, they perceive relationships as a pain. Is that true? Are relationships emotional volcanoes? Do they torture us? Well, not all relationships are like that. If some are painful, some can be highly blissful too. We all take some wrong decisions in life, and that is how we learn about the right ones. So, if a relationship has troubled you in the past, it doesn’t make sense if you perceive all relationships to be as disastrous as that one. Now, let us see why some women prefer to stay away from relationships altogether.

They Were In An Abusive Relationship

Women, who once were in an abusive relationship, think that all relationships are scary and may be this is the reason why they like staying away from relationships altogether. Unless and until a man proves to them that not all relationships are like that, they would prefer to stay single. Of course, the scars of the past may influence their opinions.

They Don’t Know The Advantages Of A Relationship

Being single offers many advantages. The liberty, freedom and space that single women enjoy may make some women think that it is foolish to take-up the burden of responsibilities some relationships bring. However, there are some advantages that relationships offer, but, unfortunately, some women fail to see them. Relationships offer a sense of security, which women fail to realise.


They Are Scared Of Commitment

Yes, commitment may scare any man or a woman because it looks like a constraint. But, when love blows you away, commitment may seem like a beautiful thing to experience.



They Hate To Go Through Friction

Yes, relationships may cause friction because two different people with different tastes and opinions come together. But, once they both understand each other, friction can never be a problem. However, some women take time in realising this.


They Hate Conflicts Without conflicts,

life can go nowhere. If we try to avoid conflicts, we might fail to socialise or mingle with others because every new person in our lives could come with a conflicting idea about life. But, if we avoid relationships for this reason, our life can never advance further.
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