Why Are Lord Ganesh And Maa Lakshmi Worshipped During Diwali? 2

Why Are Lord Ganesh And Maa Lakshmi Worshipped During Diwali?

Diwali, also known as Deepavali is the Hindu festival of lights, celebrated by millions of devotees worldwide. It is the Hindu festival of lights that comes once a year and is eagerly awaited by everyone.

Lord Ganesha and Maa Lakshmi are two of the most important Gods in Hinduism. While Ganesh is the giver of knowledge, wisdom, strength and enlightenment, Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.

During Diwali each year, Lord Ganesh and Maa Lakshmi are worshipped dedicatedly by millions of Hiindu devotees around the world. Let us look at the reasons behind that –

Why Worship Ganesh and Lakshmi During Diwali


1. Diwali, the festival of lights signify wealth, vibrance, enrichment and prosperity. Ganesh and Laxmi are the embodiments of these qualities and bring them to the lives of the devotees during the auspicious period of Diwali.

2. When Lord Rama had gone to Lanka in order to rescue his wife Sita from the captivity of Ravana, he had also brought back a lot of riches including gold. Sri Lanka was actually known as Sone ki Lanka before that. Since Maa Lakshmi is the Goddess associated with material wealth and in order to gain the same in our lives, it is necessary to worship her.

3. By the devoted worship of Lord Ganesh and Maa Lakshmi on the holy occasion of Diwali, one can gain great wealth and prosperity. They can also gain great spiritual happiness and peace of mind.


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