How to Live Larger Than Life ! 2

How to Live Larger Than Life !

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” by Jim Rohn, this inspirational quote ask you- are you living larger than life or life is living larger than you? There are so many up and down in your life but why we forced to forget the word “live”. we contribute in our live by fulfilling our hobbies, push through our fears, volunteer to feed poor people, we continuously racing in our life to live better.

But all we have history which sometime poured us in negative thoughts or deprived us to realizing the bad experience, so here we have some solutions to live larger than life!

I am doing AMAZING!

How often do you say to yourself “I am doing amazing” probably never, you must add these words to your life. Do what you want to do and never bother the negative people surround you. Find the courage to feel different, make other smile too.


 Follow TO-DO List!

Every morning all you need to follow some basic points Think positive, Eat Healthy, Exercise today, worry less, work hard, Laugh often, sleep well.  These are those points which help us to get over the stress.

Everything is not Permanent!

Life is a learning process every moment gives you a new beginning and a new ending. If things are good right now, enjoy it, or if it is bad then it won’t last forever.


Complaining and Worrying changes nothing!

It’s always better to attempt to do something great rather than complaining  about mistakes. Its not over if you have lost, its over when you doing nothing but complain.


Reinvent Your Thoughts!

Don’t change yourself just to impress someone who says you are not good enough but reinvent your dreams, your strength, your will power. if you believe strongly in something, don’t be afraid to fight it.


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आपका ईमेल पता प्रकाशित नहीं किया जाएगा. आवश्यक फ़ील्ड चिह्नित हैं *

बदलते मौसम में अक्सर हो जाती है गले में खराश, गर्मियों में ये उपाय करें! क्या आप भी अपने बच्चे की स्किन पर white patches देख कर हैं परेशान,जानिए इसकी वजह! चीनी को कर दें ना, वर्ना हो सकता है बहुत बड़ा नुक्सान ! पूरी बनाने के बाद, अक्सर तेल बच जाता है,ऐसे में महंगा तेल फैंक भी नही सकते और इसका reuse कैसे करें! रक्तदान है ‘महादान’ क्या आपने करवाया, स्वस्थ रहना है तो जरुर करें, इसके अनेकों हैं फायदे! गर्मियों में मिलने वाले drumstick गुणों की खान है, इसकी पत्तियों में भी भरपूर है पोषण! क्या storage full होने के बाद मोबाइल हो रहा है हैंग, तो अपनाएं ये तरीके!