9 healthy vegan snacks to curb those hunger pangs 2

9 healthy vegan snacks to curb those hunger pangs

If you are one of those hardcore health freaks who’ve taken up the vegan way of life, you know for sure it’s a difficult life out there. But worry not, we feel you. And because going vegan doesn’t mean you won’t get hungry, we’ve got you some lip-smacking snacks that are totally healthy. These vegan recipes might be a little tough to make but the effort is totally worth it. Take a look.

1. Crispy Roasted Chickpeas:


For a crispy treat make these roasted chickpeas that can be spiced up as per your taste.


2. Homemade Wheat Thins:


These wheat thins make for great party snacks, which you can serve with a dip on the side, and win praises for the effort.

3. Spinach Sesame Crackers:


The combination of spinach and sesame is simply delicious. Add to it the goodness of spinach and it’s a win-win situation.

4. Olive Hummus: 


Add some olives to your hummus for a rich and creamy delight that will satiate all those hunger pangs. Check the recipe out here.

5. Pumpkin and Peanut Energy Balls:


  You can make these energy balls in bulk and keep them handy for those hungry evenings. They make for the perfect hunger satiating vegan snack.

6. Vegan Cheese Bites:



Don’t get fooled by the name of the dish, these are totally vegan bites that won’t let you be deprived of the good taste.

7. Superfood Bar:




With a rich mix of superfoods this dish is one hell of a healthy snack that you’ve got to try.

8. Beet hummus:



This pink dish might make you suspicious but one bite and you’ll know it’s for the best. Try this beet hummus for a colourful vegan treat.

9. No-Bake Blueberry Muffin Energy Balls:


These blueberry energy balls are easy to make. Perfect snacks for the vegan soul.



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बदलते मौसम में अक्सर हो जाती है गले में खराश, गर्मियों में ये उपाय करें! क्या आप भी अपने बच्चे की स्किन पर white patches देख कर हैं परेशान,जानिए इसकी वजह! चीनी को कर दें ना, वर्ना हो सकता है बहुत बड़ा नुक्सान ! पूरी बनाने के बाद, अक्सर तेल बच जाता है,ऐसे में महंगा तेल फैंक भी नही सकते और इसका reuse कैसे करें! रक्तदान है ‘महादान’ क्या आपने करवाया, स्वस्थ रहना है तो जरुर करें, इसके अनेकों हैं फायदे! गर्मियों में मिलने वाले drumstick गुणों की खान है, इसकी पत्तियों में भी भरपूर है पोषण! क्या storage full होने के बाद मोबाइल हो रहा है हैंग, तो अपनाएं ये तरीके!