4 Things You Should Tell Yourself Everyday 2

4 Things You Should Tell Yourself Everyday

You want to make sure that the thoughts passing through your mind are mostly positive instead of negative. The following are four affirmations that will not only improve the quality of your thoughts, but will also send you on your way to creating that happy and successful future you know you deserve.

1: “Today I Promise To Do Whatever It Takes For My Happiness, Success, And Future”

The only person who can make you happy—the only one who truly knows what your life is missing and can make your happiness a reality—is you.

Think back to a time in your life when you were depressed, stressed, feeling down-and-out, and dismayed. Who busted you out of your sadness? At that time, who was it that took the necessary steps—like asking for help, exercising, meditating, volunteering, or taking some time off from work—to get yourself out of that slump? It was you! Right?

The only person who can make you happy is you.

And on the flipside of that, the only person who has the power to make you successful is also you. The only human being in the whole universe can transform yourvisions, your plans, your goals, your ideas, and yourdreams into reality is you.

No one can make your greatness real except you. That’s why you have to make a lifelong promise to yourself that you will do whatever it takes to make that happy, successful, and extraordinary future that you deserve a reality.



2: “Today I am Grateful For Who I Am, What I Have, Where I’ve Been And Where I’m Going.”

There is no emotion more powerful, happiness-boosting, or essential for success than gratitude. Optimistic mentalities, feelings of pure joy, world-changing careers, and healthy relationships cannot exist without a foundation of an attitude of gratitude and appreciation.

Practicing gratitude is a powerful and proven way to create more positive outcomes in your life.

More often than not, feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety, and pessimism about your future, originate from an inability or lack of effort to feel grateful for the circumstances of your life. So whenever you’re feeling down, you have to remember that no matter how terrible your life might seem—no matter how much it feels like the world is crashing down all around you—there will always be someone else out there who has it worse than you.

Gratitude is the key to feeling truly fulfilled on a daily basis; finding the courage and optimism necessary to overcome huge adversity; creating healthy relationships; and building a deep sense of passion and love for yourself, your family, your friends, your past, your present, and your future.


3: “The Opinions Of Others Will Not Sway Me. I Will Live My Dreams.”

We live on a planet populated by over seven billion human beings: seven billion opinions, seven billion beliefs, seven billion ideas, seven billion mindsets, and seven billion agendas. So no matter how strong-willed, opinionated, or independent you are, it is impossible to live out your life or make progress on your dreams without being affected in some way by the opinions of others.

Repeating this affirmation will help you convince yourself that living your dreams is a must, not an option. It will give you the conviction you need to stay true to your path to greatness—even when everyone around you is telling you to choose a different career.


4: “Today I Will Not Be A Victim. I Am In Control Of My Destiny.”

So many of the circumstances that we enter this life with—the parents that give life to us, the locations where they raise us, the financial circumstances we grow up with, and the God-given abilities that the universe endows us with—are out of our control.

With so much out of our control, it’s very easy to feel like a victim.

It’s easy to just accept that things are they way they are and there’s nothing you can do to change them. But that attitude of being a victim is a losing approach for interpreting your situation.

Because no matter how many awful, terrible, misfortunate, or tragic circumstances are working against you, you are always in control of your destiny. You may not have control over the circumstances you come into this life with. But—no matter who you are or where you’re from—you always have control over the way your life turns out. Your destiny is always in your hands.


” Remind yourself of that promise every single day.”

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