10 Foods That Make You Feel Good 2

10 Foods That Make You Feel Good


Made with a small stalk of lemongrass, a stick of cinnamon and freshly ground nutmeg, this sugar free rice pudding is our new favourite dessert. Serve with a pineapple ginger compote flavoured with lemon zest.



They can actually work like painkillers and make you feel relaxed. They’re low in calories and high on fibre. Cherries are a great source of melatonin a hormone that helps you sleep well.



Fish contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that helps in curbing mood swings. Various scientific studies have linked consumption of fish to reduced risk of depression.



They are great sources of B vitamin folate that helps in boosting your mood. Beets are also packed with betaine. Betaine is used by our brain to produce SAM-e that acts as natural anti-depressant.



Tomatoes get their colour due to the presence of a compound called lycopene. Lycopene helps in regulating your mood. Besides this, it contains folate, magnesium and iron that help in producing mood-boosting neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.



This may not be new to you, but it’s good to know that antioxidants present in chocolate help in reducing high levels of stress hormones. Dark chocolate contains a compound called anandamide that make you feel good and is also known to temporarily block feelings of pain and sadness.



Spinach is packed with folate which regulates our mood by boosting levels of serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that is responsible for balancing our mood. Many researchers believe that a deficiency of serotonin may lead to depression.



The pleasant aroma of coconut is known to soothe our response in stressful situations. It helps diminish anxiety and slows our heart rate.




Here’s a reason to go bananas! They contains mood-boosting elements like dopamine and Vitamin B6. Most doctors would recommend having a banana in the morning that’ll keep you at ease throughout the day.



Walnuts are dense with anti-oxidants, magnesium and omega-3. Magnesium is known to keep one’s mood steady by regulating the blood sugar levels. It had been seen that a deficiency of magnesium may make a person feel irritable, anxious and agitated.

10 Foods That Make You Feel Good 3


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