Killer ways to fight hair fall 2

Killer ways to fight hair fall

Hair fall is a common problem which is faced by a lot of people during the monsoon season. The main causes of hair fall are poor diet, harmful and toxic shampoos, hard water, the wrong hair oil and weather conditions, especially in the summer and monsoon seasons. To get rid of hair fall there are a handful of home remedies available at your beck and call. Kitchen ingredients like almond oil, warm coconut oil, henna, neem paste are some you can bravely apply in your hair to stop hair fall.

Benefits of onion and garlic mask for hair

These natural ingredients are inexpensive which makes them beneficial to use. Experts state, that if you use these natural remedies continuously for a week, hair fall will be reduced to nearly 60 percent. If you have an oily scalp, hair fall will escalate during the monsoon season. This is because the high density of moisture present in the atmosphere doesn’t allow your scalp to absorb warmth from the sun. The oil turns excessive in the scalp, making the follicle loose, enabling it to fall off. Likewise, even during the summer season, the direct rays of the sun makes the scalp dry and weak, thus resulting to hair fall.

1.Non-Greasy Oils

On all occasions it is best to opt for non-greasy hair oils. Virgin olive oil, lavendar oil and natural coconut oil is non-greasy. These three oils prevent hair damage and also lessen hair fall within a week.


2.Rinse Your Hair

It is vital to wash your hair, if you get wet in the rain. By ignoring to rinse your tresses, you will invite a scalp infection which automatically leads to hair fall and other hair problems like lice and dandruff.


3.Never Tie Wet Hair

Most women tie their hair into a messy bun after they have washed it. This unhealthy/dirty habits is the main cause for hair fall. It also leads to fungal infection and an itchy scalp.



4.Say No To Hair Products

During the monsoon season, battle hair fall by saying no to hair products. Hair products like gel, hair cream and sprays weaken the roots and damage the hair.


5.Keep Thy Scalp Clean

An oily scalp attracts dirt and grime, especially during the monsoon season. Therefore, to stop hair fall and other hair problems, it is important for you to wash your hair twice in the week, even if the weather seems gloomy.


6.Never Comb Wet Tresses

Never comb your hair when it is wet. Allow it to air-dry and once done, use a wide tooth comb to remove the knots from your hair. Combing wet hair will weaken the hair roots and cause hair fall.


7.Homemade Shampoos

To protect your hair from all harm, it is wise to opt for homemade shampoos. Homemade shampoos like: soap nut powder and neem paste are the best for you to use to ward off all hair problems.

8.Use Juices To Pamper Your Locks

Garlic, onion and ginger have properties that help in boosting hair growth. So, crush these vegetables to juice and apply them to your scalp to fight hair fall during monsoon season.

Killer ways to fight hair fall 3

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