Post demonetization, inactive accounts flushed with cash 2

Post demonetization, inactive accounts flushed with cash

Many of the inactive Jan Dhan accounts are seeing sudden cash deposits post demonetization. Reports are coming from Malda district in West Bengal, where, huge cash is being deposited in dormant accounts. These accounts which had no transactions or deposits earlier, now have Rs.49000/- to Rs.3 lakhs. This include accounts of beggars, farmers to students.

Malda district in West Bengal is widely known as the hub of Fake Indian Currency Note  in India.The area is also a hub for black money hoaders. Rich traders in this area are using the bank accounts of these poor families to deposit huge tranche of cash. In return, they are being given Rs 2,000/3,000 in exchange of their bank account where the traders want to put in their cash.

Public sector banks in the area have put up notices cautioning customers to not allow others to use their accounts for the purpose. Also, people are being cautioned against such practices which may create problems for them in future.

Similar news have also come from Agra. Accounts opened at the time of jan dhan yojana but not used so far have overnight flushed with funds. Many such accounts, which have seen no transactions till nov 8, now have upto Rs.49000/-, the upper limit of cash that can be deposited without PAN. According to bank officials, many account holders are possibly being exploited by middlemen or rich to lend their accounts to park black money.

Black marketers are not letting any stone unturned to convert their money to white and exploiting people which is a matter of concern.

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बदलते मौसम में अक्सर हो जाती है गले में खराश, गर्मियों में ये उपाय करें! क्या आप भी अपने बच्चे की स्किन पर white patches देख कर हैं परेशान,जानिए इसकी वजह! चीनी को कर दें ना, वर्ना हो सकता है बहुत बड़ा नुक्सान ! पूरी बनाने के बाद, अक्सर तेल बच जाता है,ऐसे में महंगा तेल फैंक भी नही सकते और इसका reuse कैसे करें! रक्तदान है ‘महादान’ क्या आपने करवाया, स्वस्थ रहना है तो जरुर करें, इसके अनेकों हैं फायदे! गर्मियों में मिलने वाले drumstick गुणों की खान है, इसकी पत्तियों में भी भरपूर है पोषण! क्या storage full होने के बाद मोबाइल हो रहा है हैंग, तो अपनाएं ये तरीके!